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saying yes

Sometimes I just keep saying no.
For many reasons
It's too hard
too annoying
too messy
too much effort

I'm too mean
too lazy

couldn't be bothered.
Yes, I am a mean mother
aren't I?

Anyway. Yesterday when Mishi asked me to make playdough I said

And you know what.
It was easy and fun and lovely and resulted in many glorious hours of happy play. Yesterday and today, and probably tomorrow as well, at least.

Recipe :: 1 cup of flour {don't use expensive organic, like I did - but then again, if it's all you have in the cupboard, then just finally say yes and do use it!} 
:: 1/2 cup salt 
:: 1/2 cup of water {we steeped some Karkady flowers ( Hibiscus tea) in hot water to get a beautiful light pinkish colour}
:: 1 teaspoon of tumeric powder makes a lovely soft yellow colour

{More wonderful reasons why you don't need to go and buy that fake food colouring}.
Let your kids mix the flour, salt + tumeric (or omit if you're making the pink colour), then add the water (or brewed tea for pink colour) bit by bit until you have a good kneadable consistency. It shouldn't be too doughing or wet - just add more flour if you need. Keep it in the fridge in a container, when not in use.
Give the kids a flat, easy to clean surface with some rolling pins, cookie cutters, and their imaginations. 
Then go off and have a few quiet moments on your own - or stand and watch the beauty that comes from saying yes.

{old faded laminex table and daggy kitchen floor with thanks to our house}
{chip in blue cup courtesy of our teeny tiny ceramic kitchen sink - cute, but inconvenient}
{Mishi's hair-do by herself - a look she sports most every day at the moment, in some form or other}
{ lovely yellow tea towel is from here - currently on sale, though they've been in our home for at least a year or more}.